Manifesto Declaration Number…

17 10 2011

Life has been busy… well namely work. As a developer, main job is to create new features and fix bugs. But when things break in the live product, customer expect the problem to be fixed… of course ASAP. We try our best ^_^.
We run a very big operation under startup-like conditions… its fairly interesting. The chaos that ensues when things break is rather nice from the day-in-day-out tasks.

In my spare time, recently I’ve been playing Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten on PS3. This one is pretty awesome and definitely meets my expectations for the series… it trolls me at every turn. If you have played any of the other 3 Disgaea games, you know what I’m talking about. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, take a look at this trailer… it speaks for itself…. dood o.0

I’ll admit, the Disgaea genre isn’t for everyone, it is a “tactical RPG”… meaning it is turn-based and you move across grids like in chess (ie. Final Fantasty Tactics). There are a lot of intricacies to the game that makes it difficult to master, but very rewarding. I won’t go into details… but they don’t call a place the “Land of Carnage” for nothing…

I’ve already played through the game once and did most of the post-game tasks. Even in post-game I kept getting trolled… damn you Pringer X!
I’m on my many other storyline playthroughs to get the other endings… must get as many as I can before I start Batman: Arkham City…! I have it pre-ordered, so I’m excited to pick it up 🙂

Also I’m running Ubuntu 11.10: Oneiric Ocelot now on my DV6 Laptop (the one I got a while back). I tried upgrading from Natty, but that didn’t work out that well… So I did a clean install over it. My laptop hasn’t crashed/locked-up or anything yet, so I guess that’s a good thing. Only downside thus far is that there’s still no hybrid graphics support… so my cooling fan is constantly on. And also, still can’t dim brightness… my poor laptop battery life T_T.

I’m waiting for the Galaxy Nexus to be released… I’m thinking about getting a new phone. My current phone is the Nexus One. It has served me well for ~2 years… except I’ve ran out of internal space. Nexus One’s internal capacity is about 300MB… that’s nothing!! I had to cut back on some apps since current apps are just growing in size due to updates. We’ll see if I get the Galaxy Nexus… it feels too soon to get a new phone. We shall see…



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