Prismatic Guide

19 01 2011

In a sea of black with a hint of snow
Walking with a different crowd
It’s so hard to know the do‘s from the don’t‘s
…so painful, not to touch the snow

Hidden in song and dance
Running down the wrong road
Here two paths intersect
That’s how the sunshine found me

Strange nuances upon common grounds
Twas a leap of faith on a whole new perspective
A chromatic reflection of the ocean in the stars
Twinkling back through the clouds

The lights’ warmth rain softly
Giving breath back to ancient tales

Legends daring to be

In a chromatic sea with stars of snow
Unlikely aid dawned at a chanced crossing
Returning the self that always belonged
As the sunshine begins to shine

New Gregorian calendar

3 01 2011

Another 365 days have come to pass. Although I tossed my 2010 calendar into the recycling, all the memories of 2010 will come with me into 2011.

The highlights of 2010 that come to mind for me are:

  • getting a HTC Nexus One phone
  • release of StarCraft 2
  • college graduation
  • Senior Capstone project
  • building a my first desktop for myself
  • trip to Angel Island State Park
  • getting my first job
  • new car

2010 was definitely a transition year for me, changing from paying-to-do-work to now getting-paid-to-do-work. I was able to spend lots of time with my family without the worry of school or work getting in the way for a few months.

Although 2010 ended with hurdles that I’m trying to overcome right now, I’m looking forward to what 2011 has to offer. This year will be an adventure for me as I slowly crawl my way to the living-on-my-own status.